Thursday, February 28, 2008

About Guru Padmasambhawa

According to the Mahaparinirvana-Sutra, when Buddha Sakyamuni was about to pass away, at Kushinagara in India, he said:"Impermanence is the nature of all created phenomena. Death being inevitable, the time for my passing into Nirvana has arrived. Of this you should not grieve. After my Nirvana I will be reborn in the country of Uddiyana as Pema Jungney." So it came about that as per this prophecy, Guru Rinpoche was miraculously born out of a lotus-flower on Dhanakosha lake in Uddiyana in the eighth Century A.D. and hence his very name, Padmasambava or "Lotus-born".As the dispeller of darkness and the immediate expression of Buddhahood, Guru Padmasambava or Guru Rinpoche as is locally revered, addressed himself to the consciousness of all beings. So whilst Buddha Shakyamuni represents the Buddha principle, the most important element in the Sutrayana path, Padmasambava personifies the Guru principle, the heart of Vajrayana Buddhism, and is therefore known as "Sangye Nyipa" or the "Second Buddha".

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