Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Guru Padmasambhawa statue in Swayambhu Nepal

'All of you must believe in the law of Karma, for death will come sooner than you expect. As life is impermanent, you must seek liberation. First, take refuge in a true Vajra Guru, recite the Four Refuge Mantra, and vow not to change your mind. Then make an even bigger vow to succor other sentient beings. Second, observe the Vajrayana precepts, so that a good foundation is laid. Understand the twelve dependent origination, and the fundamental law of birth and death. Third, learn to meditate so that you may see your own pure and pristine self. In your deep meditation, you will understand that all phenomena are just like dreams. Learn not to give rise to attachment, and learn to be adaptive.Whenever ill-will arises, neither control it nor indulge in it.You should not love something because of its beauty, or because it fulfills your wishes, nor should you hate something because of its ugliness or because it does not fulfill your wishes. Reflect on your mind which is essentially the same as all Buddhas'. When the sense of ego is eradicated, you will surely attain Enlightenment and become a Buddha.'

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